12/31/2016 16 Comments Signature Product 代表作甚麼是我們的代表作?對此我真的非常懊惱。我們總是希望將每樣產品做得盡善盡美,在傳統之中尋找新的定義,甚至在技術上有所突破,希望為不同的產品增添性格。
I always find it difficult to choose one or two product as a signature product for our bakery. Our goal is to make every product perfect. During the course of practicing the traditional art, we try to find new definition, and seek breakthrough in order to bring new character to our bread. 舉例,長棒所表達的,是烘焙師對麵團的基本操作、弱化麵筋、保留麵粉原味的理解。 For example, a baguette reflects the understanding of the basic dough handling technique, weakening of gluten matrix through enzymatic activity, and the preservation of the flavor of flour. 牛角酥所表達的,是對麵粉结合油分時的原理、冷凍對麵筋及發酵之影响。 A croissant reflects the understanding of the principle of emulsification of butter in flour, and the effect of low temperature to the gluten matrix and fermentation. 天然酵母麵包所表達的,是對發酵原理,培養細菌及生成之香味的終極考驗! A sourdough reflects the ultimate understanding of the principle of fermentation, the cultivation of LAB and the formation of various flora. 能同時掌握以上,則所有種類的麵包製作都能水到渠成!因此但凡遇見新麵包店,以上都是我的選購產品。可惜的是,在香港風靡一時的卻是標榜流心牛角酥,流心芝士撻,流心芒果包之類的,更有甚者借外國機構之聲望而沽名釣譽。唯有借古人的一句話,"歲寒 然後知松柏之後凋也",與知音人共勉之。 Basically when you can master the above you can make any bread you desire. Thus whenever I come across a new bakery those will be my items to buy. However in Hong Kong the trend is always about melting filling of croissant, cheese tart and mango bread etc. Many borrow the reputations of foreign institute to try to make a fortune. For those share the same passion and integrity in baking as we do, please have faith in our aim and bare in mind this old Chinese saying, "Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress never shed their leaves".
AuthorMaster KC Li Archives
May 2017
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