<![CDATA[Levain Bakery - Recipes and Thoughts]]>Thu, 12 Sep 2024 18:23:02 +0800Weebly<![CDATA[Part 2 - Can we tell how something tastes just by the look of it? 第二部分 - 能否單靠外表得知食品好吃與否?]]>Tue, 16 May 2017 02:42:56 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/part-2-can-we-tell-how-something-tastes-just-by-the-look-of-it

Following our previous discussion, this time we give an extensive analysis on the example when the flavor is loss during the fabrication of the desirable open crumb structure in a baguette. We use high quality French T65 wheat flour, which has a “breakfast-cereal-like” flavor. However it is susceptible to seasonal variation in gluten composition throughout the year as it contains no chemical stabilizer.
There is two well-known methods to fabricate an open crumb structure:
The maximum of dough hydration and oxidation method (fig. a1, b1, c1) The minimum of dough hydration and oxidation method (fig. a2, b2, c2)  

麵團最大限度的含水量和氧化方法(圖a1,b1,c1) 麵團最小限度的含水量和氧化方法(圖a2,b2,c2)  

The first method is commonly practiced by modern Japanese and Taiwanese bakers. The second method is very rare and practiced by a handful of the very traditional rural French bakery. The technical difficulty of both methods are unmatched, so as the quality of the final product.
The first method is always very easy to implement. One only needs to knead until the gluten structure is well developed and adding enough water to dilute the gluten matrix. Final products have good volume consistently as the oxidation compensates any seasonal variation of the elasticity of the flour. In the horizontal cross section it gives a seemingly open crumb structure (fig. a1). However the crust is always weak and the shelf life of the “crispiness” is very short. Because of the strong gluten development it fails to produce an open crumb structure in the vertical direction (fig. b1). The “ear” (the breaking of the surface due to the scoring prior of baking) is very prominent as a result of the elasticity of the dough (fig. c1).

The second method requires the baker to have more attention and experience of the gluten development during the kneading and proofing of the dough. The slightly over-knead or under-knead will result in a tough or flat product. Ratio of different preferment and levain added into the dough need to be adjusted quite often to adapt to the seasonal changes of the flour. When this method is carried out perfectly, it gives a sturdy biscuit like crust and creamy crumb as the oxidation of the dough is minimum (fig. a2). The open crumb structure is observable in both horizontal (fig. a2) and vertical direction (fig. b2), which tells us that the crust is crispy all around. The “ear” is minimum. It is more like “tear-open-sideway” (fig. c2) than a “flap-of-ear” as a result of weak gluten development. The similar breaking of the surface pattern can be found in pound cake as well.
The main drawbacks of the first method is that the high hydration method simply dilutes the concentration of flour in the dough, and the oxidation destroys the flavor of the wheat, which renders the final product a tasteless sponge. In Levain Bakery, we always use the second method to make our baguettes. The reason is simple: it presents the best wheat flavor, gives a biscuit like crust and the longest shelf life. We believe that the more you add to the recipe the more you take away. The traditional method may not be the simplest way, but it usually gives the most satisfactory result.
第一種方法的主要缺點是麵團的高水量稀釋了麵粉的濃度,氧化破壞了小麥的香味,使最終產品成為淡而無味的「海綿」。在Levain Bakery,我們祗堅持使用第二種方法來製作我們的長棒麵包。原因很簡單:它呈現出最好的小麥風味,形成餅乾般的外皮和最長的保質期。我們相信,過多改動食譜反而適得期反。傳統方法可能不是最簡單的方法,但通常會帶出最令人滿意的結果。

<![CDATA[Can we tell how something tastes just by the look of it? 能單靠外表得知食品好吃與否?]]>Sun, 07 May 2017 02:36:00 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/can-we-tell-how-something-tastes-just-by-the-look-of-it
The answer is yes and no.


NO you cannot tell the flavor of anything just by the look of it. But YES you can tell the texture of the food by looking at the cross section of it. The texture of a bakery product is mainly based on two things:


1.         The chemical composition of the product

2.         The microstructure of the crust and the crumb

1.      成品的材質

2.      表皮及內層的微結構

When it comes to the texture, the product microstructure is more important than its composition. Without a suitable structure, usually a honeycomb structure, the product veers from a flaky and crunchy texture to an undesirable chewy and rock-hard one.


In all cases, there must be a small vacancy that separates the crust from the crumb. The separation makes the following possible: 


1.         During baking, the heat transfer from the crust to the crumb is slower

2.         During baking, the crust can be baked more thoroughly than the crumb

3.         After baking, diffusion of the moisture from the crumb to the crust is slower

1.      在烘焙的過程中,由表皮傳熱至內層的速度減慢

2.      在烘焙的過程中,表皮比內層烤得更透徹

3.      烘焙後,水份從內層擴散至表皮的速度減慢

The above are the main criteria if the crust is going to be crispy and stay for how long in ambient environment.


Then we need to go into details about the thickness of the crust. If the crust is too thick and is mainly composed of flour, then it will be too hard to chew on. If it is thin like paper (fig. b3, c3), it will absorb moisture too quickly and lose its crispiness. A decent thickness is when the crust is one or two tiny bubbles thick (fig. a2, b2, c2).


The crust texture can also be altered with the addition of other ingredients. A common addition is fat (fig. b1-b3) as it shortens the gluten chain and thickens the crust slightly. This results in a flakier and crunchy crust - provided that the crust is thick enough and thoroughly baked. Another common method is to have egg white and sugar to create the crust (fig. c1-c3). This can increase the crust thickness to a point where it becomes crispy and crunchy like rock candy.


In a bid to achieve a beautiful crumb, a common mistake is to create big bubbles in the middle of the crumb while the crust remains attached to it (fig. a1, a3, b1, c1). Unless the baker intends to pipe fillings within the product, this does not serve any purpose. It is also futile if the product is underbaked, a common problem when the crust is about the same color as the crumb (fig. a1, b1, b3). This leads me to another topic - whether we bake our bread too dark at Levain…


<![CDATA[Are those packaged “XXX sourdough culture” the same as the traditional Sourdough? 究竟市面買到的包裝好的”XXX天然酵母”是否天然酵母?]]>Fri, 28 Apr 2017 07:04:24 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/are-those-packaged-xxx-sourdough-culture-the-same-as-the-traditional-sourdough-xxx

The sourdough we use traditionally refers to over hundreds of different microorganisms coexisting in the same dough. Every different strains have different behavior in different environment. For example, when the sourdough is fermented at a cold environment, the microorganism that can produce carbon dioxide is getting relatively fewer and the one that can produce acetic acid is getting more. In the end the sourdough will only be able to produce acid and become unsuitable in bread making. Most of the microorganisms will not survive throughout the freezing or dehydrating process.

基於上述原因,當面對以”方便易用的XXX天然酵母”為賣點的推銷時,不妨問一問對方:第一,產品預先發酵後是否能保存在雪櫃使用數天? 第二,產品在不同溫度下發酵會否有不同風味?

Therefore, whenever you come across the “easy-to-use-ready-made-XXX sourdough culture”, why not ask the following questions: First, after activation of such product will it be able to keep in refrigerator and be ready to use for several days? Second, will such product yield different flavor when proofing at different temperature?


The easy to use “XXX sourdough culture” is just another type of dried yeast. The convenience is for the salesperson not for the customers.

<![CDATA[Signature Product 代表作]]>Sat, 31 Dec 2016 06:11:24 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/signature-product

I always find it difficult to choose one or two product as a signature product for our bakery. Our goal is to make every product perfect. During the course of practicing the traditional art, we try to find new definition, and seek breakthrough in order to bring new character to our bread.


For example, a baguette reflects the understanding of the basic dough handling technique, weakening of gluten matrix through enzymatic activity, and the preservation of the flavor of flour.


A croissant reflects the understanding of the principle of emulsification of butter in flour, and the effect of low temperature to the gluten matrix and fermentation.


A sourdough reflects the ultimate understanding of the principle of fermentation, the cultivation of LAB and the formation of various flora.

能同時掌握以上,則所有種類的麵包製作都能水到渠成!因此但凡遇見新麵包店,以上都是我的選購產品。可惜的是,在香港風靡一時的卻是標榜流心牛角酥,流心芝士撻,流心芒果包之類的,更有甚者借外國機構之聲望而沽名釣譽。唯有借古人的一句話,"歲寒 然後知松柏之後凋也",與知音人共勉之。

Basically when you can master the above you can make any bread you desire. Thus whenever I come across a new bakery those will be my items to buy. However in Hong Kong the trend is always about melting filling of croissant, cheese tart and mango bread etc. Many borrow the reputations of foreign institute to try to make a fortune. For those share the same passion and integrity in baking as we do, please have faith in our aim and bare in mind this old Chinese saying, "Only in cold winter does one know that the pine and the cypress never shed their leaves".
<![CDATA[從麵包師的角度欣賞麵包 3 From A Baker's Perspective 3]]>Wed, 23 Nov 2016 04:33:53 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/-3-from-a-bakers-perspective-3

The traditional croissant is a work-in-progress.

傳統的牛角酥,理論及技巧是建基於派皮”puff pastry”之上,縱使麵團添加了酵母,但所得出的效果其實與派皮大同小異,依舊是酥脆”flaky”的表層。若果不能充分理解並發揮”發酵使麵團膨脹”之特點,牛角酥在眾多不同的烘焙產品中將黯然失色,甚是遺憾!

The traditional croissant is theoretically and technically based on puff pastry with one key difference: addition of yeast. Yet, given how similar they are in terms of their flaky exterior, it takes in-depth understanding of the fermentation process to bring out their unique differences. Otherwise even a properly made traditional croissant would be lost among other baked delectables and that would be a pity!


Let’s start with the puff pastry: its crisp layers is the result of appropriate formation of honeycomb interior structure. We create that through multiple folds of the butter and dough layers until they are appropriately merged. However when we make the croissant, we need to take into consideration the process of fermentation due to the presence of yeast. This causes the dough to rise, further stretching the butter-pastry layers on its own. With that in mind, the number of times we need to fold the croissant dough is less than that of the puff pastry.


Based on the above point, I deduced that to bring out the distinctive layers of the croissant is to keep to the minimal number of croissant dough folds. Furthermore, by making the exterior crispy and crunchy (similar to wafer), this fully utilizes the effect of fermentation. These two steps will help to differentiate the croissant from puff pastry, helping it stand out.


However there are several technical challenges to overcome:

1)  Right blend of flour based on its ability to dissolve in fat (butter)

2)  Osmosis activity due to suger

3)  Yeast activity

4)  Effect of freezing on the dough gluten matrix and yeast activity

5)  Melting point of butter

Creating a croissant with a distinct textural contrast has taken me years. There is a lament lingerining in my heart whenever I hear delighted cheers on the uniqueness of our "Levain Bakery Style Croissants".

<![CDATA[Basic Baguette & Ciabatta Recipe]]>Wed, 13 May 2015 05:13:23 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/basic-baguette-ciabatta-recipeObjectives: How to make Poolish, Technique of handling wet dough, Shaping & Scoring of baguette

Products: Baguette, Ciabatta


A. For Baguette
A. 長棒

Place all the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Mix in the bowl until all ingredients are incorporated. Put the dough on the table and knead until a 80% gluten network developed. The dough consistency should be wet. Desired dough temperature 27oC.

Bulk fermentation: 
50 min folding twice
50分鐘 翻摺兩次

Dividing and shaping:
Divide the dough into 350g. Preshape oval. After 10-15 minutes, shaping into desired shape.

Final fermentation: 
25min at about 27oC
27oC 25分鐘

Load the bread into a 250oC oven with normal steam. Bake for 30 minutes.

B. For Ciabatta
B. 意式脆皮

Place all the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Mix in the bowl until all ingredients are incorporated. Put the dough on the table and knead until a 80% gluten network developed. Add the extra water and oil and knead again. The dough consistency should be very wet. Desired dough temperature 27oC.

Bulk fermentation: 
75 min folding 3 times
75分鐘 翻摺三次

Dividing and shaping:
Divide the dough into 350g. Slightly elongate the dough.
分割麵團至350g, 稍揉拉長。

Final fermentation: 
25min at about 27oC
27oC 25分鐘

Load the bread into a 250oC oven with normal steam. Bake for 30 minutes.
<![CDATA[從麵包師的角度欣賞麵包 2 From A Baker's Perspective 2]]>Tue, 05 May 2015 03:57:58 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/-2-from-a-bakers-perspective-2Picture


Sourdough or wild yeasted bread is becoming more popular in Hong Kong. However, very few people know what exactly is sourdough, the benefits of sourdough, and how to distinguish a good quality piece of sourdough.


Actually sourdoughs have been cultivated by human civilizations for centuries. However due to the complexity of maintaining the sourdough, necessity for high quality of flours and stringent requirements of proofing environment, sourdough was very quickly replaced by dried yeast in the early 20th century . Dried yeast consists of strains that were isolated in laboratories for their high stability and high fermentation rate and then mass multiplied to become the very product that we can conveniently pick up at supermarkets. 


But as the expectations of food climb among city dwellers, as a bakery, we must re-innovate on use of sourdough so as to achieve a distinct flavor and texture in our products that other competitors can easily mimic. The fact remains that sourdough culture is fragile and easily affected by its surrounding environment but it is capable of producing a wide variety of organic compounds during fermentation. These products include organic acids that assist in our body’s absorption of minerals and uncountable compounds that account for the complex flavour profile of a high-quality sourdough bread. 


While the term 'sourdough' may sound exotic, it is really easy to cultivate your own. It takes a week to cultivate it from scratch, using just flour and water. After that, the sourdough simply requires regular feeding of flour and water to keep it alive. Despite the ease of keeping a sourdough culture, many of the commercially available sourdough breads are actually made with a high proportion of dried yeast and may not even have the slightest characteristic tang of sourdough. Even if the fake sourdough tastes sour, it may be due to the addition of 'sourdough acid powder'. To date, no enhancer is capable of replacing the complex flavor profile and textures of a 100% sourdough or levain bread. Try making your sourdough at home and you will be truly amazed by the flavor and intensity brought to the bread by the thriving cultures of microorganisms that has taken up residence in a little bowl of flour paste. 

This is simple satisfaction, a sanctuary amid our hectic lives. 

從麵包師的覺度欣賞麵包 From a baker's perspective is series of short articles published in 經濟日報 in 2013. I have decided to publish them on this blog as it answers many questions that bread enthusiasts often have.  
<![CDATA[從麵包師的覺度欣賞麵包1 From a baker's perspective 1]]>Wed, 01 Apr 2015 10:06:47 GMThttp://levain-bakery.com/recipes-and-thoughts/1-from-a-bakers-perspective-1Picture

從麵包師的覺度欣賞麵包1 From a baker's perspective is series of short articles published in 經濟日報 back in 2013. I have decided to publish them here as it answers many questions that bread enthusiasts often have.  


It is my pleasure to share with you some of my thoughts on baking bread. Seven years ago, I started baking at home out of interest and upon graduation, I worked as a junior baker at a local chain bakery. As my interest grew, I started a bakery in Jordan, Kowloon with a friend. Today, I am the sole owner of two European artisan bakery outlets with a factory facility in Cheung Sha Wan. Through numerous trial and error, I found that many theories and concepts in popularised in well-known publications were simply untrue or inaccurate. I hope that my column will be of help to demystify baking, and to encourage independent critical thinking among enthusiasts as the judgment of bread quality is ultimately subjective. 


Firstly, let us compare the different characteristic of Traditional French baguette and HK baguette. Both styles of baguette are made with basic ingredients and utilize the fundamentals of bread making. However, the criteria of a good French baguette very much differs from the criteria of a good HK baguette. Through comparison, we can understand a few basic principles behind the appreciation of bread.


According to my understanding, the above table summarizes the definition of a good traditional French baguette. The main criteria separating HK baguette and French baguette are their texture and flavor.


I once asked an applicant, who was applying for the post of a junior baker, what makes a good French baguette. His answer was simple: the crumb must have lots of open cells. He knew the key characteristic yet he could not explain why this characteristic is vital. On the other hand, customers would not ask for a open crumb baguette, but rather, a "crusty, fragrant baguette". A skilled baker must always think of ways to balance the ever changing demands of their customers and a product’s fundamental characteristics. 